Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Happy 21st Birthday Pat!


The Family said...

Happy Birthday Pat, esteemed founder of our family blog. I was just going to post something but someone else beat me to it. I hope you're having fun. Don't do anything crazy.

Emily L.

The Family said...

Happy Birthday Pat, esteemed founder of our family blog. I was just going to post something but someone else beat me to it. I hope you're having fun. Don't do anything crazy.

Emily L.

Julie said...

Happy Birthday Pat! Hope it's a great one!


patrickhuman said...

I cant believe that I hadnt checked the blog in almost a week... Thanks for all your well wishes I had a nice relaxing evening watching the Movie Grumpy Old Men with some friends. 21 doesnt carry quite the oomph in Canada as it does in The States. I plan on trying to make Tom's Chili soon, It will be well documented :p